I have thought long and hard about my life; what I aspire to do my entire life and who I aspire to be. I’ve thought about my phases of life and how I hope to grow as I get older. I’ve thought about who I want to be as a daughter, sister, and friend. I’ve thought about who I want to be as partner through life’s highs and lows. I have even thought about who I hope to be as a mother someday, God willing. Throughout all of this, there are a few things that remain consistent. I want to be a light for the people in my life, both those I know and those I pass by. I want to help people where and when I can, I want to provide people with advice and support and a listening ear whenever able, and I want to continue to learn and grow myself in all aspects of my life. I never want to stop trying to become the best version of myself, most importantly for me but also for those around me.
One thing I know for sure is that I, like a lot of people, can express myself through writing and storytelling. For years, I have contemplated starting a blog. {A funny fact is that I started two different blogs when I was in elementary school and junior high, but I had no idea what I was doing or how they worked. I would write the most random articles and earned a whole $1.27 using Google AdWords}. I’ve even thought about writing a book. I learn through other people; through their words, their songs and lyrics, their books and poetry, their blogs and podcasts, and through the way they make me feel when I am around them, listening to them, or reading their work. I guess you can say these people have inspired me to write, and in turn have helped inspire me on this journey.
Why a blog, though? Why not write in a journal at home? Why do the one thing SO. MANY. PEOPLE. are doing? These are just a few questions I imagine running through peoples’ minds when they see this introduction. I have sat and wondered what people would think. Will they roll their eyes and think it’s a dumb idea? Will they think I’m crazy? Will they think I’m just trying to be another “influencer”? Then I stopped myself. Because most of the time, people aren’t even thinking about you. YOU are thinking about you and worrying about things that don’t matter. And if there’s one thing I am determined to do as I get older, it’s to embrace all of who I am and take steps towards my goals and dreams daily.
At the start of the new year, I listened to an episode of Jenna Kutcher’s Goal Digger Podcast, and she emphasized the fact that all markets are saturated, so don’t let that thought get in the way of doing what you want to do. Just because there are lot of doctors in world doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to med school. She talked about acknowledging that we all have our own unique experiences that shape us into the people we are; therefore, we all have our own set of stories and lessons that we bring to the table to share with the world. This helped me a lot. It reminded me that my experiences matter; and if one of my stories, daily habits, tips and tricks, or opinions resonates with another human being, that, my friends, makes this whole thing worth it. Because, at the end of the day, I am doing this blog for me; to express myself, to share my thoughts and ideas, and to build connections. I am doing this because it makes my soul happy. And if being happy goes hand in hand with helping someone else, I may have really struck gold.
“And if being happy goes hand in hand with helping someone else, I may have really struck gold.”
Next, why “The Hygge Journal”? This was quite honestly the hardest part about creating a blog. I didn’t want to name it after myself, and I had the toughest time coming up with words that made sense for my overall idea, mission, and voice. Then, after a workout, in the middle of drinking a protein shake and painting my nails at 8pm, I thought of The Hygge Journal. For those that don’t know, the word HYGGE (hue-gah) is a Danish word meaning, cozy and comfortable surroundings that invoke an inner sense of contentment or well-being. Below are a few examples of hygge from the Merriam-Webster dictionary to help paint a picture of the word’s meaning.
You need candles. It's about making sure people are welcomed right away, with something to eat and drink, unless you've invited them to help you cook… It's not about making sure everything is perfect. It's about gathering together and finding fellowship in our imperfect humanity. — Deena Prichep, NPR.org, 21 Dec. 2017
Hygge is all about being in the moment, feeling completely relaxed and centered, letting go of the hectic world around you, either alone or with loved ones. — Ole Henriksen, quoted in Vogue (Australia), 12 Aug. 2018
When you're settling in for a hygge evening, everything you're wearing should be comfortable. — Michelle Dozois, The New York Times, 7 Dec. 2017
To me, this word is the ultimate. Who doesn’t love to be cozy, comfortable, and content? I am such a sucker for cozy moments. Whether that be curled up, coffee in hand, listening to good music and reading poetry. Or snuggled up, a tummy full of good food, ready to relax and watch a movie with those I love. I live for the moments where I can spend time being comfortable around those who mean the most to me. The same type of energy is what I put into this platform. When I write, it is the same practice as journaling in bed. I am cozy with my coffee or tea, candles lit, I probably have a blanket nearby and slippers on my feet, I most definitely have some of my favorite music on, and I am expressing myself so I can share it with others and build connections with those who read it. In return, when you read my posts, my hope is that you are in a similar situation. I hope that you are comfortable, I hope that you have a coffee or tea, and I hope that you are feeling content. I hope these posts resonate with you; I hope they inspire you; and I hope they help you. And at the end of each day, I hope you find your hygge.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for stopping by and reading my very first post in The Hygge Journal – A cozy spot for authentic conversation. I cannot wait to share more!